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Re: 560 vs. 701

Hi !

>         First, you should know I think the 701 is a *wonderful* machine.
> Indeed, I had a hard time letting go of it to give to my wife while I
> switched over to the 560.
	I agree, it's a wonderful machine. I have a 701 too, though only 
a 486DX4/75, I rather keep it then upgrade to a 560. 

>         But yes, the 560 *is* indeed lighter than the 701--by 1/2 lb. or
> more (the 560 is 4.1 lbs.--the 701 is--I think--about 4.7 lbs. or more).
	One thing, the 560 seems to be designed like the shape of a file, 
the weight is very evenly distributed and FEELS hell lighter.

>         Size-wize, the 701 is physically smaller in terms of height & width,
> but in thickness, the 560 has it beat handily--only 1.2" (and of course, I
> already mentioned the weight thing).
>         By "fit" in my backpack, let me describe it this way:  If you've
> ever been a college student (perhaps even High School), you'll know what I'm
> talking about:  Carrying all those spiral-bound notebooks was no big deal,
> right?  But remember having to carry that thick Calculus, Chemistry, etc.
> type book?
	For me its different. I'm a college student and the 701 being 
smaller in size (the 560 is so wide), it fits nicely into any bag I have. 
It's also easier to squeeze into a small locker or drawer.
	Currently my 701 sits in its own casing. I got a Zip Case that 
was supposed to hold the Sega Game Gear, catriadges and adapter. I ripped 
out the plastic molded holders and tada ! I had a nice 701C casing with 
space for the adapter + multiport/spare battery ! 
	Why can't they make new 701s with PENTIUM chips in them..... :(


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