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Re: Win 95 RAM Usage

>>>>> "rd" == Robert Dewar <dewar@gnat.com> writes:

 >>>        My notebook, with a somewhat smaller set of "extras" loaded at
 >>> bootup and 24 MB of physical RAM, says it has about 87% of the RAM used
 >>> up--about 21 MB used up front upon startup."

 rd> Worrying about such a situation is a hold over from working with junk
 rd> operating systems without virtual memory. In general one expects all the
 rd> RAM you have to be used up all the time, except perhaps at startup
 rd> time before you have done anything (as in this case). In any decent
 rd> operating system, stuff stays around in memory and is only evicted
 rd> if necessary.

 rd> The Norton utility generally provides completely meaningless figures. It
 rd> is a hold over from DOS days.

Not exactly. The question is how much of the *physical* memory is used versus
swapping to disk. Physical memory -- especially in notebooks with slow disks --
is much faster than paged memory. If you can keep most of your work in RAM
instead of swap, everything will be faster.

You can tell how much of physical memory is used, and this is what Norton is
telling you. How much physical memory is loaded when you start the OS. For
example, on this machine (a Cyrix P166+ with 64MB of RAM running Linux), the
"top" command says I'm using 61464K of physical memory, 0K of swap (I'm running
three copies of Netscape at the moment!). This is a perfectly valid measurement
of memory use.

Steve Hultquist, Founder                       Engineering the future
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