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701c and Win 95

My thanks also to Randy for his detailed review of the 560.  I think the
701c is a super little machine.  I have been running win 3.11 and I'm happy
to say EVERYTHING works.  I have been entertaining the thought of switching
to Win 95.  The thought of spending hours getting everything to work again
is frightening.  I was surprised to read that Randy was unable to use his IR
port under 95.  I use mine with a HP 5P laser which has a built-in IR port.
This combo under Win 3.11 works perfectly and is fairly snappy.  I would
hate to give up this no wires hook-up.  I would like to hear from other
701c/Win 95 users about problems that they have been unable to fix.  Perhaps
through this thread unfixable problems will turn out to be useable features...
 Bill Bryan, Livonia, MI - billb@rust.net - N8QPI - www.rust.net/~billb
 Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions
 three ere the other side he see."             Bridgekeeper, Holy Grail