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OS/2 driver for 3com 3c589-COMBO PC card


It's been discussed here that the OS/2 driver for 3com 3c589 PC
ethernet card does not check which type of tranceiver cable is
connected when it reinitializes the card after hybernation. This
feature is quite annoying, because you need to reboot your machine
when you move an office to another using different traceiver cables.

So, I left a message in 3com's web site to request the change of this
feature. Surprisingly, a customer support person gave me a phone call
this morning and told me that he will pass my request to an
appropriate person. Well, this means nothing. If many people tell them
the similar complaints, they might consider releasing a new driver for


   Shinichi Sakata, Ph.D.
   The University of Michigan       Internet: ssakata@umich.edu
   Department of Economics          Phone: (313) 764-2368 / 2355
   240 Lorch Hall, 1220             Fax:   (313) 764-2769
   611 Tappan Street
   Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 