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Re: One word: Classifieds

On Fri, 16 Aug 1996, Robert Dewar wrote:

> I would say that you are both right, it is true that you could get
> $1200 for that machine, and it was also true that it was not worth
> nearly that much. What this shows is that if you are inclined you
> can certainly try to sell a machine for more than it is worth (to
> someone who knows what things are worth) if you manage to find
> someone who does not know what things are worth!

At the risk of dragging this out, I would say "market price" is an
aggregate of what anyone is willing to pay, not just those who "know
what things are worth."  There will be a range of prices people are
willing to pay.  The stingy ones (most of Usenet) are at the low end
of the distribution, and by no means define what a machine is "worth."
Just because you made a better deal than the lowest bidder doesn't
mean you sold it to someone who doesn't know what it's worth.

Since this is really off-topic, I won't comment further on this
John H. Kim       "I stop for red traffic lights" -- bumper sticker 
jokim@mit.edu     commissioned by the City of Boston as part of a
MIT Sea Grant     campaign to shed its reputation for bad drivers.