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SVAUDIO on TP750's

AJ and others

This is one of my pet topics on the TP750, if only because 
it causes massive loss of sleep, cursing, etc.

I'm afraid I have no experience of the games you mentioned 
nor the joystick and SCSI cards, but I'm hoping that the 
following may help some:

On my TP750, I can enable audio support with the few games 
I have, including:


I have found that to get SVAUDIO to work properly, you need 
to include a FRAME=xxxx command in EMM386.EXE. Mine is set 
to C000. Without this bit, even Wolfenstein, which has some 
very neat auto-detection code bombs out. Games that don't 
work with EMM386 won't work with the TP750 audio system. 
Also, any games, like Doom, Doom II, Hexen, etc that use 
special protected mode interfaces seem to fail as well.

As for you audio settings, try interupt 10, that seems to 
work most effectively on the games I have. I seem to recall 
that Int 5 did not work on XWing.

Just as a quick sanity check, do you load TPAUDDD.SYS as 
well before SVAUDIO?

Does anyone have any other experiences getting the TP750 
audio support to work with DOS games? Maybe we should set 
up a part of the FAQ for the most popular games.


NORTEL Northern Telecom (NITEC)
Phoenix Customer Support
Email: dhammett@nortel.ca

---- All my opinions are my own. ----

P.S If this message is badly formatted,
    blame COCOS or XRN, not me!