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Re: Thinkpad 701C

I love my 701C.   Have not used IR port but want to.  Wish it had a 28.8 but
14.4 works great.  I want a
cd rom
The screen is great....I don't need bigger.

 I have had no problems with durability although I protect the butterfly
I have read posts on it taking substantial shocks (when closed) ie being
dropped to hard floors etc. but 
deliver me from the experience.   I definately recommend insuring it under
your homeowner insurance or something comprable.  Insurance is surprisingly
cheap...mine includes dropage.

Battery life about two hours or so depending on usage...the dual scan units
(not my choice) apparently get better battery life.   IBM replaced my NiCad
with a  NMIH  for free when the original just rolled over dead shortly after
purchase which was last feb.  

Best of all  it is so small and works SO well I just love it.   Everyone who
sees one for the first time just flips out.
My favorite geek comment was, "Pure sex!".   IBM is nuts for dropping the
concept for larger units.

The docking station eludes me....I will continue to seek a used one (Anybody
got one for sale?) as they are expensive new and I can live without it if I
have to.


At 03:03 AM 8/9/96 -0400, you wrote:
>I know it is a out of production model, but I am thinking about getting one.
>Its size and features make it great for my needs. Can anyone comment on it.
>Screen, battery life, speed, modem and IR port.  How much punishment can it
>take?  Any comments would be great.
>  Aaron Tunnell  endoftunnell@p3.net
>  Do or do not, there is no try- Yoda