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Re: PLIP gives me funny errors

On Sat, 10 Aug 1996, Elvin wrote:

> 	I'm trying to get PLIP working between my IBM TP701C and my PC.

I got PLIP mostly functioning between my 701 and 750, so rest assured,
it is possible.  Here's the script I used to turn it on (insert your
IP addresses, irqs, etc.):

ifconfig plip0 down
ifconfig plip0 irq 7 arp
ifconfig plip0 pointopoint
route add dev plip0

Use a similar script on the other machine with the addresses reversed.

The only thing that wouldn't work was using my 750 as a gateway to the
Internet.  Sometimes it would relay packets correctly, most times it
wouldn't.  I never had time to track the problem down.  I gave these
instructions to another 701 owner and he managed to get PLIP running
so my machine is not "special."

> The funny thing is, on my PC the plip devices start from plip1 -> plip2 
> (on my notebook it's from plip0 to plip 1) [2 lpt ports on each machine]
> My PC runs linux kernal 1.2.13 and my IBM runs kernal 1.3.30

If you have parallel printing compiled into the kernel, PLIP will not
work.  You need to recompile the kernel with parallel printing turned
off.  Also, I had the best luck with the parallel port set to a simple
parallel port, not a fancy EPP or ECP port.
John H. Kim       "I stop for red traffic lights" -- bumper sticker 
jokim@mit.edu     commissioned by the City of Boston as part of a
MIT Sea Grant     campaign to shed its reputation for bad drivers.