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Re: Cordless Phones

> >        I'd like to start a new thread.  Has anyone found a cordless phone
> >with a RJ-11 jack on the portable side, so a person could surf cordless.  I
> >have cellular, which works great but due to costs, is not very practical for
> >home surfing.  It's a million dollar idea, but does anybody make this phone
> >yet?  If my 14 year daughter, who is my battery conditioner, can network
> >with her friends, for hours at a time, then I should be able to wireless
> >surf, too...
> Well, a lot of high-end cell phones have PC Cards that will plug into them
> (I'm thinking of the Nokia line; the cellular modem PC Card is ultra-cool,
> especially for those of you who live somewhere with real cellular [aka GPM]
> unlike those of us here in the US). Of course, many also allow you to plug
> an adapter into the base, as Robert mentioned.
	Just want to clarify something... U want RJ-11 jacks on a 
CORDLESS phone rite ? Not a cellular phone ?
	If it's so, good luck. The quality would not be too good. Get an 
accoustic coupler. IT SHOULD fit :)
	BTW, anyone know of any good acoustic couplers with jacks that 
are soft enuf to bend under the TP701 keyboard to fit into Ex-Jacks ?


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