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Re: Screen Whiteout (or: snowing in hell)

In article <199607241836.DAA00731@tubby.nff.ncl.omron.co.jp.nff.ncl.omron.co.jp> Jeffrey Friedl <jfriedl@nff.ncl.omron.co.jp> writes:

] I had a nasty surprise of returning to my Thinkpad that I'd left unattended
] for 10 minutes (on my desk, at home) to find the screen brilliantly white
] (note: this is different from "handsome white"). The LCD or something had
] apparenetly spazzed out. I rebooted and all seems fine.
] A week or so ago I saw the same thing, this time witnessing the whiteout. 
] You know when you stand up too quickly and blackout, and wait for a few
] seconds and your vision slowly starts to come back, as if you're exiting a
] fuzzy tunnel? Well, the opposite happened to the screen -- over the course
] of maybe two seconds a fuzzy circle of white started off to one side and
] engulfed the whole screen.
] This is scary. Any ideas? Unfortunately, EasyServe service is not as fast
] as The States (I once shipped the machine from LA to Memphis to be fixed,
] and got it back THE SAME DAY). I had it into IBM Japan once and it took
] weeks.

I see this occasionally on my 755CE.  Also, the effect is often
preceded by second long blackouts.  I haven't yet done anything about
it.  I think its caused by letting the baby stand on the machine when
the cover is closed.
David Fox           http://found.cs.nyu.edu/fox            xoF divaD
NYU Media Research Lab     fox@cs.nyu.edu     baL hcraeseR aideM UYN