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Re: XFree86 on Thinkpad at 800x600

For me the key was finding out about the "ps2" program in DOS,

boot to clean dos (not full Win95 dos) - i think F5 does this but I've
modified msdos.sys to give a menu,

ps2 mode3x on
and then Loadlin, etc

This gives me 800x600, but the kernel still gets confused over the number of
columns in console mode, unless I "vga=ask", after which it seems to be better
for some strange reason. With the right XF86Config you then get 800x600

Dave P

On 25 Jul 1996, David Fox wrote:

->Date: 25 Jul 1996 22:04:36 -0400
->From: David Fox <fox@graphics.cs.nyu.edu>
->Reply-To: fox@cs.nyu.edu
->To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
->Newsgroups: thinkpad
->Subject: XFree86 on Thinkpad at 800x600
->Will the person who said they had a program to achive 800x600 on a
->thinkpad (560, 755CX, or 760) please post it or email it.  Thanks.
->Also, any other insights anyone has.
->David Fox           http://found.cs.nyu.edu/fox            xoF divaD
->NYU Media Research Lab     fox@cs.nyu.edu     baL hcraeseR aideM UYN

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Wenn Q kastriert wird, wird er dann zu O ?
Dave Pratt      (tel: +44 1473 643840 )