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intro/socket service help

I have had a 750c since aug 95, just discovered this list.  It has 12 meg
ram total, 340 hard drive, qlogic scsi card, megahertz 14.4 card.  There
are two points I'd appreciate help with:

socket services:
I'm using win95, novaback, qlogic scsi card, python 4mm dat.  All works
fine from win95, but I'm trying to make a disaster recovery diskette and
tape (novaboot) When I boot the floppy I get "no card services found."
Looks Like I need socket services for dos.  Any sites where this software
might be available?

hard drive shell:
I got a larger drive (540 WD from Segue for $139).  This is what prompted
the backup/restore escapade referred to above.  It would be nide to find
another shell/carrier for the hard drive.  Anyone know if these are
available?  Also, any suggestions on opening it without breaking it or
otherwise messing it up?

best regards...harry seaman