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Re: Linux of the 701

> seem to help. I also tried to use XF86 server, and use the settings I got
> from the Linux Laptop page, but couldn't start X at all (at least I learned
> how to use  vi a little ;-)) If somebody is running MetroX, or has
> XF86config for TP701c, I'd appreciate some help. What's the deal with
	Hmm, I'm using XFree86 on my TP701C and it works fine. Ur 
xf86config has to be fine tuned quite a bit for it to work. Ur chipset is 
the CT65545. Support is no problem with the new versions of XFree

> MetroX? Is it any better than XFree86? Also, I installed LILO, and it would
> display LI at startup and nothing else would happen. Adding 'linear' as the
> first line in lilo.conf didn't seem to change anything. Thanks for any
> help.
	linear does not help. Lilo does not work with the TP701C. Use 
loadlin instead.	
	Feel free to ask me if U need more help. I run linux too on my 
TP701C (8mb can really turtlize my system)


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