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Re: TP 701 -- video-out under Win95?

Hi all Butterfliers out there!

>>Hi all.  I've got a 701 problem I can't figure out...  I want to
>>hook a monitor to my thinkpad, which I do via the multiport adaptor.
>>When I then boot my TP, I see the self-test info and the RAM test
>>on both the laptop screen and the monitor, but as soon as win95 starts
>>booting the monitor goes blank.  Any ideas?
>>One strange note: when win95 is running, if I go into the 701 config
>>utility (FN+F1), the monitor then functions properly and I see the
>>config screen on both the laptop and the monitor.  Then when I exit
>>the config util, the monitor goes blank.  

I think it has to do with the color-depth. A while ago, I did a 
presentation with the 701, via overhead-display hooked up to the
port-replicator... I had some trouble with that, too, but I think
with Descent (I always trouble_shoot_ with games...), it worked
double-screen. As far as I can recall, double-screen only worked
with 265 colors (or less), not with the 16bit I usually use under
By the way, when I'm in win95 with 16bit color, and a DOS-box is 
opened, is scrambles my display. It is ok if I F1 into BIOS and 
ESC back, but it is a bit annoying when selfextractors use a DOS-box...

keep foldin' those keyboards,


.                 Axel Hartmann                                       .
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