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Re: HD Password.

"I'd rather not turn this into a flame-war.  I simply asked a question.
This is not a stolen or illegitimately acquired machine.  It's a
machine that has been transferred between departments in a large
company.  If you've ever worked in such an environment, you know that
when machines move, they frequently move without their original manuals.
In as much as the Internet is a dynamic medium populated by knowledgable
people, it might be much faster to ask a question here then to wait
days or weeks for IBM to ship a replacement manual.  How can you assume
a machine is stolen simply because the manuals are missing?  They could
be missing for any number of reasons."

But it is not the manuals you need, it is the memory of the guy who
set the password. I trust he did *not* write it down anywhere. Whgat
you need to do is to try to find out who set the password and
ask him what it was. There is no other solution, otherwise you have
to go buy a new disk.