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Re: How tough?


Actually, I bought the 701 with the 540MB drive because I couldn't find one with the 
720MB drive.  My local IBM PSP rep told me about Sigma Data which makes 1.088GB drives 
specifically for the 701's.  The drives have a three year warranty and are servicable by 
IBM or EasyDerv under your ThinkPad warranty.  The 1GB drive is $995 (not cheap - but 
what are you going to do if you need the extra space?).  Sigma is up in your neck of the 
woods; New London, Hew Hampshire (603-526-6909); if you talk to someone named Trudy tell 
her I said hello (very pleasent person).  They have a two page FAX they can send you 
with all the techincal info.

Hope this helps,


> At 02:41 PM 6/26/96 +0000, you wrote:
> >I have a 701C Thinkpad (DX4/75, 24meg, 1GB) which I've had since April and
> I've been 
>                                         ^^^1 gb? did I read that right?
> how did you manage to get a 1 gb drive in there? I thought the biggest one
> that came
> with it is only 720 megs.  is this the new toshiba drive? if so, where did
> you get the caddy/adapter thingy?  I sure would like to put a 1gb drive in
> my 701.
> thanks!
> Jack
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> Jack Shu	jshu@ecs.umass.edu
> University of Massachusetts
> College of Engineering
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||   Lee Laniear                           ||
||  laniear@ibm.net  OR laniear@netcom.com ||
|| "Free advice is seldom cheap"           ||
||  69th Ferengi Rule of of Acquisition    ||