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Linux Sound on IBM Thinkpad

Hi !

> Now I am urgently looking for a solution for the following problems:
> 2.) A source hack for the sound card.
> I would prefer source hacks for stable kernel version  i.e. 1.2.13 or 2.0 if
> possible. If not, well I should ba able to patch the  source tree by hand if
> I have hot an example patch.
> Who is able to help me ?
    I have a IBM Thinkpad 701C.
    It has a ES688 soundchip.
    I'm using Linux kernal 1.2.13.
    Apparently, the sound chip is not 100% HARDWARE comptaible to sound
    blaster. The new Voxware sound drivers requires kernals > 1.3.70. The
    problem is that upgrading the kernal is TOUGH !
    I heard compiling the kernal to use Sound Blaster (non pro) works, not
    tried yet.


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