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Odd problem running Linux 2.0.0 kernel - keyboard freezes

I've been struggling for a few days with getting the new Linux 2.0.0
kernel running on my Thinkpad 701CS, and i'm wondering whether anyone
can shed some light on the problem i'm hitting.

I recently upgraded an old-ish slackware installation with Redhat
3.0.3 and the 1.2.13 kernel.  The install went very smoothly, and i
had gotten most of my customary environment working (PCMCIA ethernet
card, etc), except that i was unable to successfully incorporate the
advance power management mechanism (Stephen Rothwell's apm_bios 0.5)
which i had been using in the previous installation.  Then the 2.0.0
kernel comes out, with the APM already integrated, much more module
support, more console fonts, etc.  Very appealing, since i was already
finagling with a new installation, to just go with the latest and

Unfortunately, not so easy.  I've installed the required redhat RPMs
for the 2.0 upgrade, and tried both the contributed pre-compiled
kernel (and modules), as well as building my own, and i'm consistently
getting the same problem - i can boot the 2.0.0 kernel, very nicely,
and log in, type for a few seconds to a minute, but inevitably the
system stops responding to the keyboard.  The OS and display continues
- if i'm running 'top', the screen updates continue, and a shutdown
that i start before the keyboard locks proceeds fine, but no
keystrokes are recognized.

What's odd is that, once the keyboard is locked out, *no* keystrokes
are recognized - not only are regular keystrokes ignored, as is
ctrl-alt-delete, but the special Thinkpad BIOS keystrokes -
configuration (Fn-F1), screen toggle Fn-F3, volume Fn-PgUp Fn-PgDn -
also have no effect!

I've recompiled the kernel tens of times during the past several days,
and tried the most minimal kernel and daemon contingent i could
manage, the most "vanilla" arrangment i could imagine, booting to run
level 1 instead of 2 or 3, etc, and nothing seems to make the
slightest bit of difference.  (The biggest change i got was when i
found and installed the redhat K2.0 package upgrades - that extended
the time before the keyboard freeze from a few seconds/keystrokes to
typically anywhere from a half-minute or minute.)

I have a sneaking suspicion that the Thinkpad BIOS revision i'm
running has some complicity in the problem - i've heard bad things
about this latest rev (rev O - BUTUS3o, more specifically), which was
installed on my thinkpad when it was recently in for easyserve

Anyway, i've had no such problems running the 1.2.13 kernel i had just
installed (though i'm unable to fold in APM).  I'd like to do the
upgrade, and am wondering what i can do to unravel this problem.  Any
suggestions??  Additionally, does anyone have the older 701 BIOS
images available?  I checked the IBM repository, and they seem to only
offer the most recent one, which was installed "for" me.

Thanks for any help!

Ken Manheimer		klm@cnri.reston.va.us	      703 620-8990 x268
	    (orporation for National Research |nitiatives
		 1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100
			   Reston, VA 22091