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760 Total Image Video
Hi all,
As some of you may know, I have a website called Laptop Central. Sometimes
the folks who visit email me with questions about various systems, and this
has happened now.
I recieved an email from someone who wanted to buy the 755CDV, since he
teaches seminars using an overhead projector (some of you may not know, the
CDV had a screen you could remove and lay flat on a projector). This model
has been discontinued, and IBM recommended gettinga 760ED, saying it has Total
Image Video. To me, this sounds like IBM is touting full-screen video
playback, which, while nice, won't help this guy run a Powerpoint session on
an overhead projector.
Could someone with a 760 email me about this feature and any thoughts on
how to run a presentation on a 760? Does IBM even offer a removable-screen
laptop anymore?
I have to ask for email since I recently changed ISPs. While I sent a
message to owner-thinkpad@cs.utk.edu mentioning I've chenged my email address,
and sent a subscribe message, I'm still not getting anything.
I hope someone can help,
Thanks in advance
Laptop Central