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Re: Optimal memory size for ThinkPad 560

"...I thought 16 MB would be sufficient, but now I'm thinking maybe 24 MB.
8MB upgrade is going to cost me about $200, 16 MB $400.  What is the
'marginal' performance gain exactly???
p.s. Know of a cheap memory source?..."

you'll see a huge performance difference between 8 and 16 in win95.  i've never 
benchmarked the difference between 16 and 24, but i do notice it when i'm 
running very large applications or opening very large data files.  for example, 
i notice a big difference between running a 25mb macromedia viewer file on a 
755cd with 24mb of ram & running it on one with 16mb.  i don't notice a 
difference running netscape or ms word.

i haven't bought any tp ram in a while, so i don't know if it's still the case, 
but 'simple technology' used to be the cheapest around & i've found it to be 

Michael J. Verne
Computer Support Manager, VentanaCommunications Group
If you board the wrong train, it's no use running along the corridor
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