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NT Mwave ThinkPad drivers available (fwd)

Thought this might be of interest to you all.

Have installed them with NTV4.0 Beta 2 on a TP755CD and (apart from
upsetting my network card on install) they are working just great.


- SNIP -

Hello all,

Seeing as I get a lot of email asking me about this, I figured
I had better post a message to the list.

IBM has just released v2.21 (I believe they may be beta) drivers
for the Mwave DSP in the ThinkPad 755/760 for Windows NT.

The files are all on my site
as well as IBM's site

Filenames are mwnt2210.doc, mwnt221[1-3].exe, and tpwinnt.txt.

Personally I've never once used Windows NT and I have no
experience with these drivers at all.  Hopefully they work
well for all those interested.


Jeff Bryer                    |  Mwave Archive Site: (running Linux)
mwave@watson.mbb.sfu.ca       |  watson.mbb.sfu.ca (
Mwave Archive Administration  |  /pub/mwave  (software + info) 
WWW Mwave URL  -  http://watson.mbb.sfu.ca/