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Re: 750 ED - delayed again

On Jun 19,  1:54am, Robert Dewar wrote:
> Subject: Re: 750 ED - delayed again
> "Don't you mean the 760ED?  RCS in NYC has them.  They also claim to have the
> 560, 120Mhz model.  But these guys sounded really slimy (like most of NYC
> computer vendors who advertise on Tues. NY Science Times).  I ordered my 560
> from somewhere else."
> "Don't you mean the 760ED?  RCS in NYC has them.  They also claim to have the
> 560, 120Mhz model.  But these guys sounded really slimy (like most of NYC
> computer vendors who advertise on Tues. NY Science Times).  I ordered my 560
> from somewhere else."
> I have had excellent experience dealing with RCS -- I really find that
> reporting this negatively on the basis that you *think* someone *sounds*
> "slimy" is somewhat unjustified slanderous writing. Sure, if you have
> bad experience, report it. All I can say is that my experience has
> been excellent.
>-- End of excerpt from Robert Dewar

I call up a NYC electronics vendor to get their price and availability on a
ThinkPad 560.  The salesman instinctively engages in the old 'bait and switch'
routine - "Yeah we got that in stock, but I have a Toshiba XXX model just as
good for $xxxx".  When further inquired about their return policy incase of
defective TFT display, he proceeds to rudely put me on hold.  Comes back a
minute later, and responds vaguely - "Yeah, we can work something out".  I've
had enough experiences with NYC vendors to know what that means.
Excuse me if I rather not spend my $4000 on them.
