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X on a TP 755cx (VGA)

I am a new Linux (Slackware 3.0.0) "user" (still in the setting up stage!)
so please excuse my ignorance.  From all those Linux ThinkPad users out
ther, is there anyone that can tell me what I am doing wrong when trying to
get X working under Linux (XFree86 3.1.2 - the version that supports
WD90C24).  I have the VGA (640x480) version of the TP 755cx.

I am using xf86config and give the following answers:

31.5 kHz hsync; Standard VGA, 640x480 @60 Hz Monitor
50-90 vsync range
WD 90C24 (laptop) video card
XF86_SVGA server
1024K video memory
No Clockchip setting

Running X -probeonly (logged in as root) from within xf86config I get:

Running X -probeonly -pn -xf86config /tmp/XF86Config.tmp.
X -probeonly call failed.
No Clocks line inserted.

however if I just run X -probeonly directly (presumably without the rest of
the command line) I get (amongst other things) three lines of Clocks mostly
about 28.34 and one 49.82 followed by:

There is no defined dot-clock matching mode "640x480"
Removing mode "640x480" from list of valid modes
There is no mode definition named "800x600"
Removing mode named "800x600" from list of valid modes
There is no mode definition named "1024x768"

Fatal server error:
No valid modes found.

This is (of course) the same as the messages I get when I try and run
startx, when I also get:
xinit:  No such file or directory (errno 2):  unexpected signal 13
before returning me to the command line prompt.

This is all on a more or less vanilla system (I haven't embarked on APM or
PCMCIA support yet!) installed as close to default as possible.  I am sure
that it is just my lack of understanding of what Linux does with its files,
or some other trivial problem.

Anyone give me any help (or a 640x480 TP577cx XF86Config)?


Geoff Hogan
Dr G P Hogan
Laser Group, Clarendon Laboratory,	    Tel:   +44 1865 272205
Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PU		    Fax:   +44 1865 272400
UK				    Email: g.hogan@physics.ox.ac.uk