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LAN+28.8 modem PC cards and Thinkpads...

I just don't get it... I've gone through 4 different cards from 3 different
vendors and on 3 different Thinkpads, on 3 different phone lines and to 2
different phone numbers. It get absolutely dismal performances from the
modem part of the card.

I had a TP500 and an 3Com Etherlink III LAN+28.8 modem card. I could not get
more than 0.2 K/s with the modem. I got above 1.4 K/s with a Megahertz
XJ1144 14.4 modem (which I sold with my TP500).

I switched to a TP701 and thought the problem would go away. Nope. Same
dismal performances. I get great performance from the internal TP701 modem,
but for work purpose I'd really like a 28.8 and above connection. I also
need an ethernet connection for the office.

I thought it was the card. I had it replaced by 3Com. Same problem.

So to test, I bought a Megahertz XJ3888 LAN+28.8 PC card (the latest one). I
could never install the card (lock ups, crash, etc...). I had it replaced
and it still would not install. The Megahertz technician decided that the
card just does not work in a TP701 w/ Win95 (just like that and then hung
up!). There goes my trust in Megahertz... I returned the card...

Finally I buy a Xircom CEM288 LAN+28.8 PC card. The ethernet part works
fine, same bad performance in the modem (slow as hell, drops connections and
suddenly will stop downloads out of the blue)... I'll return it tomorrow...

It can't really be the Thinkpad itself either, since I tested those cards in
3 separate TP701s... I discarded a line problem since I use the same line
for my desktop and get about 2.7 K/s using the same number...

So... Now what? Is any other TP701 owner having the same problems as me? I
haven't tried to get 2 separate cards (one ethernet and one 28.8 modem)...
Any recommendations? Advices?

Thanks in advance...
Yann Nicolas
Systems Manager - Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University
yann@jrn.columbia.edu - http://www.jrn.columbia.edu/~yann/soccer.html