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Re: Diff. between 760E+ CD-ROM & 760CD?

On Thu, 30 May 96 19:18:36 EDT, you wrote:

>However, we were told that they could ship us a 760E immediately
>(though the CD-ROM upgrade would take 2 weeks to get here).
>do we really know that the 760E can take an internal CD ROM, I looked at
>one yesterday, and frankly I don't see how, there was no wide slot on the
>front! Actually that was the 133 MHz model, the 120MHz model *did* have
>a wide slot and appeared to the eye IDENTICAL in all respects to a 760CD.

Ahhh!  This would make sense, since we were told the model we were
getting would be the 120 mhz model, even though their WWW site only
mentions 133 mhz models (I was confused on that point).

Having said that, here are the main differences as enumerated by a
very helpful person on their information line:

The 760CD is VESA/120mhz/1MB video ram standard/8MB RAM standard.
The 760ED is PCI/133 mhz/2MB video ram standard/16MB RAM standard.

But wait, I asked you about the 760E, right?  So what's the difference
between a 760E (with the CD-ROM) and a 760ED? The difference is...
...the 760ED can do MPEG, has the video in/out jacks (presumably
NTSC-to-TV), etc.   Nuts!  That's why we wanted the 760CD!

Looks like it might be time to go to the back of the line...since
they're not making 760CDs anymore.  They may still be in stock at
various places, but they're not making them anymore (making 760EDs

Thanks to you all for your help, especially about the "deep" version.


Tom Kustner
Tom Kustner                   Emjay Corporation    
System/LAN Administrator      725 W. Glendale Ave.
Email: emjay@execpc.com       Glendale, WI  53209-6509  USA
Any opinions are mine and not necessarily those of Emjay's.