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RE: Win 95 TP750 CD Rom Driver

Yes, I am using them. I'm currently running on a fresh Win95 install
(i.e., not an upgrade from Win 3.x), but some months ago (on an earlier
hard disk that was an upgrade) I managed to get Win 95 to recognize the
CD-ROM and load its own drivers by commenting-out the IBM CD-ROM drivers
and rebooting several times. I am not sure whether the several reboots
were the key. It is possible a single reboot that does a power-off would
do the trick.


>From: 	Alex Judd[SMTP:ajudd@quantime.co.uk]
>Sent: 	May 13, 1996 11:01 AM
>To: 	TP750@cs.utk.edu
>Cc: 	ajudd@quantime.co.uk
>Subject: 	Win 95 TP750 CD Rom Driver
>Is anyone using a 32 bit driver for the CD Rom Drive on the 755CD with
>Windows 95? 
>I'm still loading the IBM drivers through the Autoexec.bat / Config.sys
>this leavs me with only 16 bit access on the CD-Rom drive.
>mode paging reduces overall system performance').
>COFFEE.EXE Missing - Insert Cup and Press Any Key