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Re: ThinkPad 701 discontinued?

>486/75 with 8/720 for $1799.
>Just FYI, if there is any other TP701-wanna-buys on line. I´ve been an
>active reader of this list for a while before I go and trade my Compaq
>Contura Aero to ThinkPad. Just been waiting for the prices to drop (I´m a
>poor student) after they finally announce TP701 dead and discontinued,
>releasing the new Kite thing somebody was mailing about in this list.

Dude, jump on it for $1800!  If that is for the 701C its a great price, if
its for the Cs, ask to knock it down to 1700 as advertised in the Computer
Shopper.  i too am a poor student student am trying to pay off my VISA as
soon as I can :)

When the new ones come out, the will be WAY overpriced, if you want a DX4
then get it now, or be willing to pay big bucks for the P120.  how much were
the 701's when they first came out?  They are about one half the price now
than 1 year ago....


Dennis Pantazis				My opinions and ideas are my own, and 
<pantazis@uiuc.edu>			can not be interpreted as extensions of the 
Graduate Student in Civil Engineering		University's official policies, until
University of Illinois-Urbana			decide my ideas are of profitable worth
(the Extended Tour of Duty continues)		to the institution.

You  can see us at:   http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~pantazis
