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Re: Mem upgrade for 701C - 16M for $285??

On Mon, 22 Apr 1996, Emanuel Brown wrote:

> 	That's why I posted!  School's been awhile and I'm not too much
> of a techie,  but I wondered about that when the support guy told me.  
> Experience has taught me to not argue with the gang at Big Blue, just
> nod and ask someone else later.  So, are *would* there be any adverse 
> effects from using this RAM chip?  Would performance suffer since it's
> underpowered?  I need some ammunition, since I've emailed the guy about 
> this...

By all accounts it shouldn't work.  The reason there are 5V circuits
is because you need 4.something volts to distinguish between an on and
off state.  3.3V circuits can distinguish between a smaller voltage
difference.  Feed a 5V circuit 3.3V and it'll work some of the time,
or it'll think it's not getting any power.

The only way it would work is if the memory port autosenses 3.3V or
5V memory and supplies the correct voltage.  In that case it would
run it at 5V.  I've a MechE/OceanE background so I won't claim I'm
absolutely right, but power goes roughly as V^2/R so 5V memory
should draw 25/11 = ~2.2 times more power than 3.3V memory.  Which
is a completely useless result unless you know how much of the
battery drain is due to memory.

Remind me to change my sig...
John H. Kim          "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like
jokim@mit.edu        'contributing' this year come April." -- Bob Dole
jokim@tuna.mit.edu   on Bill Clinton's avoidance of the word 'taxes'