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External Monitor Problems, 755C, DockII, Win95

Hi folks,

I have been trying for some time to get an external monitor to work properly at 1024 res. with my 
755C in a Dock II under Win95. Here is the progrss to date.

First I updated my bios to 1.41 and installed the "latest" 755C Vesa driver (in video features disk
version 1.33).

Then I tried to use the Win95 display settings to set the docked configuration to 1024 res using
the Win95 supplied Western Digital drivers and the SVGA 1024 monitor setting. I can't get it to
do anything more than 640.

Next, I tried an external video card in the Dock II, as others have reported success using this
method. I couldn't find the recommended STB Nitro card but did find a Diamond Speedstar
ISA card. Installed and set up using the procedure posted here. Got as far as the splash screen 
then hung.

Finally, I removed the Speedstar and tried the original Windows 3.1 SVGA drivers in video 
features 1.33. After much complaining from Win95, this sorta works but I get an error message 
every time I start up saying that the video drivers are performing some kinda unnatural act but it 
let's me carry on. The other thing that happens is that Win95 hangs during shutdown and I must
power off before the OK message. I am also getting more than the usual number of GPFs in this

Does anyone know:

	1. Is the Win95 Western Digital driver supposed to do more than 640 or is there
	    a newer version somewhere?

	2. If the Diamond Speedster board can be made to work in the Dock II or where
	    I might find the STB Nitro?

	3. If the Win 3.1 SVGA drivers should work better than they do for me?

	4. Why I don't just chuck this whole thing and get somthing that works without so
	    much fiddling and cursing?

Many thanks

Jerry James