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Re: Introduction

On Mon, 8 Apr 1996, Dave Speed wrote:

> I am a relatively new subscriber to the list, being the
> relatively new keeper of a 701C w 16 mb ram, a 540 mb HD
> The bundled software was a pretty weird bag; I've killed most of
> it already.  The lack of removable media backup means that most 
> if not all of this software is useless, as I am apt to trash the 
> drive from time to time (hey - it happens; what do *you* do?).

You mention you might try Linux in the future.  What I did was
get the Linux RedHat 3.0.3 root/boot diskettes (3 disks).  On
another Linux box, I modified /etc/service to add the line:

ftp     21/tcp

and added a copy of ncftp (ftp will do) and tar.  My PCMCIA
ethernet card was supported by Linux's PCMCIA drivers, so I booted
the install disks, switched to a shell, mounted the hard drive,
tar'ed everything I wanted, and ftp'ed the tar file to another

> Just from looking in Computer Shopper ads, it looks like most if not 
> all of the high capacity 2.5" drives are 19mm thick.

Maxtor and at least one other company make a 1GB 12mm 2.5" drive.
I haven't heard of anyone trying to use one on their 701 though.

> If anyone has a recommendation for a nice leather portfolio for the 
> bare 701 or a source of 12vdc (automotive) power converters, I'd like 
> to hear.  Email is fine if it is redundant here.

Port makes a nice leather portfolio.
John H. Kim          "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like
jokim@mit.edu        'contributing' this year come April." -- Bob Dole
jokim@tuna.mit.edu   on Bill Clinton's avoidance of the word 'taxes'