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Panasonic 2X Wanted

I'm interested in buying Panasonic's 2X PCMCIA
CD-ROM drive for my Thinkpad 701C.  Anybody
out there have one for sale?  Audio CD's can
be played with this too, right?  Does it
run off of batteries, AC adaptor, and PCMCIA


   /\  \\\\  /\          CPT Scott E. Bronson
  /**\ ==== /  \           Graduate Student
 /*/\*\ || / /\ \   Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
/*/  \*\||/ /**\ \           Troy, New York 
\*\  /*/\/\ \**/ /         
 \*\/*/ /\ \ \/ /     E-mail:  bronsons@cs.rpi.edu
  \**/ /||\ \  /      Commercial:  (518) 438-6531
   \/ / || \ \/       http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~bronsons     
     /  ||  \