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Re: Thinkpad 701 advice

At 9:48 AM 4/4/96, Christoph Eyrich wrote:
>The size of the 701 is a very convincing factor!

        No kidding!  I have the little leather "portfolio" cover for mine
and the colleague that sits next to me always thought it was a daily
planner until I opened it up.

>But: don't take the DualScan model. I haven't seen the TFT one yet but
>compared to the TFT of the 755CX and even to the mono of the old 720
>it's pretty disappointing (the old mono with its 16 gray shades is
>much sharper...).

        Can't comment on the Dual Scan, but my TFT has a very nice, sharp
screen.  Quite a bit better than the 750C I had.

Randy Whittle           whittle@usc.edu         http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle
USC Graduate School of Business

        Women often ask, "What do men really want, deep in their souls?"
The best answer--based on in-depth analysis of the complex and subtle
interplay of thought, instinct, and emotion that constitutes the male
psyche--is that deep in their souls, men want to watch stuff go 'bang'.
- Dave Barry, October 2, 1994