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Thinkpad 701 advice

The size of the 701 is a very convincing factor!

But: don't take the DualScan model. I haven't seen the TFT one yet but
compared to the TFT of the 755CX and even to the mono of the old 720
it's pretty disappointing (the old mono with its 16 gray shades is
much sharper...).

Christoph Eyrich


> I am in the process of trying to find a notebook computer for my mother to
> use in her real estate practice.  She needs an internal modem to retrieve
> listings from an online source.  Her company is offering some Zenith Z-notes
> at an attractive price (around $1800), but I'm wondering if a 701 might be
> better.  I would appreciate comments from anyone with experience with this
> machine, specifically, is it a good machine for a "mother" who is not into
> computers and doesn't want to have to deal with technical problems or
> issues.  In particular, I have heard that there may be some problems with
> the modem on that machine.  She will be using either Windows 3.1 or Win95.
> Thanks for your help.  
>                                 -james gramling