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Re: IdDA & TP701 Success

On Thu, 4 Apr 1996, John D. Griffith wrote:
> I would like to buy one of these things for my desktop machine at 
> work and use it to transfer files to my thinkpad 701. However, the
>  problem is that I'm running Windows NT on my desktop machine 
> machine and a lot of communication software doesn't work under NT. 
> For example,  Laplink doesn't work under NT (at least over a parallel 
> cable).   

If LapLink works with a serial link then I susspect that it would work 
with the IrDA adaptor.  I thought someone made a program like LapLink or 
TranXit for NT.

> Do these irDa devices require special drivers to operate or are they 
> simply  hardware devices  that would work with any program (e.g. 
> kermit) that talks politely  with the serial port under NT??  

The adaptor does not need any drivers, it connects up to the serial port 
and acts as an extension of it. 1 meter range using the power supplied 
to serial port.  It must be suported in the traqnsfer program like Laplink.

> Currently, to transfer files, I reboot from NT to DOS and run 
> laplink.  This is quite inconvenient as I often have lengthy 
> optimization calculations running on the NT machine.

Why not just use a terminal or modem program and send z modem from one to 
the other over a null modem cable?

> I contacted two vendors of these devices trying to get an answer to 
> this question, but I was unable to penetrate the sales/marketing 
> barrier.  I'd appreciate any information that anybody has.

Extended System are at www.extendsys,com or at 1-800-235-7576

NOTE:I am in no way related or affiliated to this company, I only like their 



Dennis Pantazis				My opinions are my own, and can not
<pantazis@uiuc.edu>			be interpreted as extensions of the 
Graduate Student in Civil Engineering	University's official policies, 
University of Illinois-Urbana		until they decide my opinion's are
(the Extended Tour of Duty continues)	worth money to the institution!!!

You  can see us at http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~pantazis !!!!!
