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   From: John Joowon Lee <jjl9@msc.cornell.edu>
   Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 02:02:00 -0500 (EST)

   I'm primarily a user of flavors of UNIX and I've been quite happy with
   Linux.  I've noticed that about every 50 hours of uptime, however,
   that Linux continuously accesses the hard-drive for several minutes;
   except for olvwm and xterm, there is no correlation with running
   applications.  I haven't yet figured out what processes are involved.
   I am naive with UNIX system administration; if someone should have an
   idea about what Linux is doing, I would like to be educated.

It's probably doing a `find' that is part of the daily cron scripts or
something.  It's been a while since I used Slackware, but my Debian
distribution has a standard script that runs once a day and scans the
entire file system for setuid scripts.  On my system, this script runs
at about 6:45 every morning.

Look in "/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root" to see if there is anything
like that on your system.