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Actually I should post this via anon.penet.fi, embarrasing as it is ...
Oustide the US, the 701 TP is sold with the Modem disabled for legal reasons,
so I figured break the lid open and theres the connector behind it.
It wasn't. But now, MAYBE becuase of the force applied, my system behaves as if
the screen is closed constantly. When you disable shutdown when closed in the
Bios, the Box will continue running but the screen goes off anyway, just like
the light in you refrigerator when you close it.

I now use a piece of cardboard stuck between keyboard and case which disables
the sensor that tells it that the box is closed. Works, but is a hassle.
Now IBM's got this nice warranty but I figured I can't assume it on behalf
of my own stupidity (shame shame shame).

Any Comments ? Will they take it anyway ? How do I disable the sensor 
manually ? Or if they can bil me ?

Joachim Loeblein, ud1b@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
I Fear Nothing.