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Re: Infrared Jet Eye

At 09:55 PM 3/12/96 -0600, you wrote:
>I purchased a jet eye for my desktop (Win 3.1) and I am having no luck getting 
>any files transferred. I copied the Tranxit program off the laptop to the
>and I cannot get the The New Window icon to light up. I tried hooking com port 
>to com port with Tranxit and still no luck. So the I tried DOS Interlnk
>which I have 
>used on a previous thinkpad and still no luck. Has anyone got this working? I
>have posted to a couple of mailing lists and all I get is people telling me
>they can't get their's working either. Any little bit of info is
>                                           Donnie Hagan   
        Have you tried loading both laptop and desktop from puma's
installation disk.  This is how I did it.  Then you must get your ir port on
the laptop right.  I use com2 2F8 int 3.  If you have pcmcia cards
installed, remove them till you have it working.

        Then on the desktop end make sure that your ir receiver is
externally powered.  I found with the Adaptec ir port, that external power
is needed to go at top speed.  Without external power the unit would cause
program lock-up during transferring of files.  Also try running your port
speeds at slower baud rates till you get everything up and running.

 Bill Bryan, Livonia, MI - billb@rust.net - N8QPI - www.rust.net/~billb
 "Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions
 three ere the other side he see."  Bridgekeeper / Holly Grail