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Re: Icons in Windows

Look at your \windows\win.ini file in the first section [windows].

There should be lines like 'run=c:\ditto\schedule.exe'

Either remove these or comment them out (put a ; before each line) and
they will no longer be loaded on startup


> I recently installed Iomega's "Ditto" backup software on my 755CD.  The 
> program has a "scheduler" and "instant backup" program intended to run in 
> the background.  It works absolutely great and I was able to back up my 
> HD in only 2+ hours.  Here's my problem, now.
> I am not too "fluent" in Windows 3.1, so my question might appear 
> elementary.  The damn Ditto software has created icons that appear at the 
> bottom of my screen at Windows bootup- as if they were minimized programs 
> that were started in the STARTUP window.  Unfortunately, the programs 
> don't appear in the startup menu at all.  I suspect that somewhere in 
> Windows 3.1 there a file, similar to a autoexec.bat file that loads 
> program items separately from the startup items in the startup program 
> group.  
> Could someone help me out here and tell me how to get rid of the damn 
> unrequested and unwanted items that now inhabit my screen?  BTW- I've 
> been through every icon and program in the Ditto program group and cannot 
> find anything to "turn off" the damn icons there. I'm frustrated and sure 
> would appreciate some advice here.
> Tom
> Thomas A. Gauldin       Here's to the land of the longleaf pine,
> Raleigh, NC             The summerland where the sun doth shine,
> BSRB45A on Prodigy      Where the weak grow strong and the strong grow great,
> FAX (919) 676-1404      Here's to Downhome, the Old North State.