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Thinkpad 701 Questions and Answers ...
These are my two cents after 3 weeks with l'il butterfly. Love it.
After ten years and 17 different systems this is the one I wanna be
buried with. Glad to hear your opinions.
This has been posted in comp.sys.laptops before and a few answers trickled
in, the ones helpfull I appended after each question.

P.S. Don't you think it was time for a TP 701-only List or Newsgroup ?

P.P.S.: I'm running good 'ole DOS622 & WIN311. OS/2, LINUX or WIN95/NT look
fancy but are they worth the hassle ? (Don't answer this one, I'm decided.
Besides, I like to use my computer now and then, not fiddle constantly.)

#1: Don't push in the battery to hard, or it'll break the spring mechanism.

#2: Tape the battery release switch to ensure the thing won't move and data
is lost. The Thinkpads internal capacitators can't handle even a split
second of powerloss. Even if your mechanism is ok, most of us won't change
the battery ever so why not secure it.

#3: The butterfly dropped from 1.5 metres, sent my Hardisk flying accross the
room, plugged it back in and works fine.

#4: I use the dragon dictate speech recognition system and it works fine
with my thinkpad microphone, speaking in a normal voice at a comfortable
viewing distance or even further, with medium background noise.

#5: I recorded a full CD (Beasty Boys, Pauls Boutique) onto my harddrive,
with some quality clipping which is ok because the speakers aren't that
good. The 54 Minutes take up 70 MB of space and it plays loud and clear
in the background running WIN 3.11.

#6: Scanning a Map of your City is a good idea. Uses 2-3 MB and helps a lot.

#7: I was impressed how I could call system functions like volume or even
BIOS without crashing DOOM or other protected shells. I had other laptops,
none could handle this.

#8: I prefer a DST (cheap) color display over a fancy TFT display. The
image quality at typical working distance is nearly as good, except for
high speed moving actions (games), but at an angle you can't see a thing.
I find it comfortable that others can't peek when I'm using it in public.

#9: For those using the 520MB HDD or bigger versions, note that the critical
value for big cluster sizes and thus more waste are partitions >511 MB.
Better use 2 Partitions here.

#10: With the ThinkPad now, I don't regard it as a computer, rather as a 
TypeWriter, TapeRecorder, Diary, CityMap, PhysiciansDeskReference,
Dictionary, ChessBoard, Translator, RoutePlanner, GameBoy, Bookshelf,
Terminal, TelephoneDirectory, FAX, I-Ging  ...
I try to automate the paths to each function, so I don't think of it as
something to fiddle with, but something that works.
Please suggest other 'REAL' applications, not just system or utility aspects.

#1: The Suspend/Resume functions are a bit tricky sometimes. Sometimes the
machine wakes as soon as I open the lid, but sometimes keystrokes or mouse
moves wont do and I have to tickle it with a system procedure, like going to
the Bios, but sometimes I even have to use the power switch. It awakens ok
but I'm always a bit nervous about my data. What are the parameters for this?

#2: The Mouse sometimes slithers untouched after a bit of pointing, nothing
bad, a little counter pressure will stop this. But is this normal ?

<It is for me.  Another way to stop it is to take your finger off the button
and wait.>[jberry@IslandNet.com]
<Unfortunately, this seems to be all too common amongst trackpoint users...
just suspend/resume - always takes care of it!>[getwired@tico.com]

#3: My System Timer is slow sometimes, it looses hours sometimes in an
instant. I presume it has to do with a certain function I am calling, but I
can't pin it down exactly. Any clues ? Other people experiencing this ?

#4: The Contrast function (With the Sun symbol, located on Home/End Keys)
don't change anything on the display, or very very little. Only the hissing
of the display is altered. Comments ?

<I had the same thing.  No change in brightness.  But the 3n BIOS upgrade
fixed that. I presume 3o (the current level) does, too.>[jberry@IslandNet.com]
<Likewise - I've really given up all hope of figuring out if this actually 
does anything.>[getwired@tico.com]

#5: The Loudspeaker hisses constantly, the left channel only, with
earphones plugged in. This won't change when disabling speakers by function
keys only when disabling all audio in BIOS. Does IBM repair this ?

<I also have loud hiss from the speaker.>[jberry@IslandNet.com]

#6: Since the hissing stops when Off is selected in BIOS, I deduce that
selecting Auto doesn't work since the hissing is on all the time, even when
hours without sound funtions. Is this so ?


#7: My PCMCIA Modem and Ethernet cards are inserted all the time but used
seldom. If the System can't handle automtic Audio shutdown (see #6), how can
I test if it shuts down PCMCIA slots with Auto selected in BIOS ?

#8: How long does it take them to send me my Name Plaque ? 1 Month now ...

<Took from Oct... through, ummm Feb, so I'd look at 4+ months.>

#9: Wouldn't it be nice if the hibernation files could be stored and be
called at random ? is this possible ?

#10: The Harddrive looks like a normal 2,5'' AT in a special plug-n-play
casing. I didn't want to crack this case, anyone did further examination ?
>Appended: Yes, they are the same, except for the TP720 (MFM-HDD)

#11: I'm using the german version, with a german BIOS and the Modem disabled
because of legal technicalities. If I load a US BIOS and remove the cover
over the telephone jack, can I get it to work ?
>Appended: Doesn't a single chip handle Sound and Modem ? Then it could
work. But haven't had the hard to fracture the little fellow.

#12: There is a small square lid in the front left corner (when looking at
the machine from normal working position), covering just a bit of obscure
cabling plugged into a connector. What's the use of this ?

<CMOS - That would be your battery cover, allowing you to disconnect your
CMOS battery and pop in a new one w/out ripping the whole cover off>

#13: A company called Portable Enhancements at pepsales@portables.com,
offered CPU upgrades for soldered CPU's. I mailed them but got no
answer. Anybodys got experience with them or on the possibility to upgrade
at least to  a AMD 486 DX4-120 ?

#14: The Text-reader "Monologue for windows" sounds rather trashy, anybody
using a better programm to let the butterfly talk to you ?

#15: Has anybody got details of how much power is consumed getting the HDD up
after suspend ? Or the display ? This could be helpfull for a realistic
evaluation how much suspending makes sense

#16: What is in the realm of a BIOS update ? what are the limits ?

#17: What happens when I delete the hibernation file and fill the disk
before it gets a chance to restore it ?

<You cannot hibernate,  __If__ you have hbernate off in the bios. Otherwise,
you may notice it will keep re-creating the .hib file.>[getwired@tico.com]

PCMCIA: People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms

I am Joachim Loeblein, ud1b@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
I Fear Nothing.

P.S.: This is a long text, please cite only the parts you comment on. If THIS
line stil is included it'll show you can't handle your editor.