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Re: TO buy Thinkpad 755cd or 755cdv????

At 10:40 PM 3/7/96 -0600, Maury Keith Donen wrote:
>Well, in about a year from now I look forward to buying a new IBM 
>ThinkPad notebook.                                        ^^^

In a year!?!  You're talking geologic time scales in laptop-land.

>I am really not sure what to expect in terms of a notebook, and whether 
>or not I am choosing one that will meet my goals and expectations. I will 
>buy a Pentium class chip, with at least 16MB ram, because this is all I 
>read about in terms of POWER.

16MB is a fairly basic system.  Nearly everyone in my company gets their
Pentium TP outfitted with 40MB. (8MB w/32MB card)  48 & 64MB cards are due
out by Q496/Q197.

By the time you're ready to buy, the Pentium Pro laptops will start to
emerge. The established laptop systems will be standard Pentiums in the
150-200MHZ range. 

>THe THinkPAd 755cd in a year from now will be hopefully in my range of 
>purchase $4500-$5000 CDN, and if i don't get the CDV model I will purchase 
>an overhead display (i am not sure how much a decent one will cost in a 
>year or two). I heard, however, that the CDV model has a major problem in 
>that it overheats and melts when on the projector (this would not be too 
>nice given the cost of the machine). Therefore, perhaps the CD model 
>would be better for me.

As an investment banker, I'm surprised you can't afford more. ;]

The only 755's that will be available in one year are going to be in the
resale market.  They have already stopped production on all but one 755 (the
CDV) and plan to stop CDV production April 1.

We have demand for nearly 30 more CDV's and can only find 8 in the
distributors in Northern California.

As for the overheating/melting thing, it's baloney.  We have over 100 CDVs
in our Marketing group and have had no problems (melting, dropping or
otherwise)  at any of our conference or customer presentations. 

In Q496, IBM will be announcing a 'V' version of the 760 to replace the
755CDV, however, there is going to be a severe shortage of 'V' systems
between May and November.  (Seller's market!)

 Ted Frederick

 Strategic Programs Manager
 Worldwide Practice Management
 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

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 of blue as a healing bruise upon an injured forelimb."
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