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Re: =====>>> *Fantastic* FREE offer I discovered on the 'net

| Before everyone flames out on the person listed or the fax number, let me 
| point out that the message origin is NOT this person. Here's the header:
[ ... ]
| This person went out of their way to telnet to an out of the way mail 
| port to send this. freeppp.com is based in SanFran, CA. I have already 
| mailed the postmaster at that site and included the full headers so s/he 
| can look at their logs and see who did this. With luck they'll have their 
| ass handed to them.

Maybe not.  I've seen numerous such posts from, I guess, several people,
originating from several places.  One idea is to tell the company they
are advertizing for how the persons have discredited them and to kindly ask
that they put this and that referral number (my guess is that the names
are fake) on their black list.  If we're lucky, they might even sue them.

I'd very much like to hear a statement for the Magazine Club on how they
handle such obvious violations of netiquette (hopefully some laws as well?).
They're the ones having their name disgraced.

Bjørn Stabell <mailto::bjoern@stabell.priv.no>