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(Fwd) Thinkpad 755CX & Win95 Performance...

To all who repsonded,

Thanks for your quick reply, but maybe I should be a little more specific about 
my configuration and where I find the slowdown.

	IBM Thinkpad 755CX with MWave Telephony & SVGA screen (800x600)
	16 MB IC DRAM card
	3COM 3c589 Ethernet Card

Performance Degradation:
	1.  Upon start-up, the machine works like a charm - no performance issues.
	2.  MWave Connection @ 14.4 kbps - no performance issues.
	3.  MWave Connection @ 28.8 kbps - NOTICEABLE PERFORMANCE DEGRADATION!

Since I installed the Win95 resource kit, I started up the system monitoring 
utility to see what happens when I connect at 28.8 and 14.4 respectively.  When 
connected at 28.8, my CPU utilization OFTEN peaks out at 100%!  This is no lie! 
However, I can barely make the thing peak over 70% if only connected at 14.4 

I think I know the culprit but cannot verify this.  I think the problem is
that MWave when connected at 28.8 kbps cannot handle WAV sounds and is heavily
taxed.  While I don't miss my sounds (didn't have it under WFWG 3.11 @ 28.8),
I was wondering if there was a way to automatically turn off the system sounds 
when I connect at 28.8.

Once again, thanks!


P.S.  Prior to my upgrade, I almost hesitated because everyone was talking 
about suspend problems with Win95 and the 755CX.  I have had no problems 
whatsoever on this issue, but there is one quirk about the Shutdown menu.  I 
cannot "Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode" as the machine always boots up the 

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From:          "Patrick Hong" <phong@conductor.synapse.net>
To:            tp750@cs.utk.edu
Date:          Sun, 18 Feb 1996 20:36:44 +0500
Subject:       Thinkpad 755CX & Win95 Performance...
Reply-to:      phong@synapse.net
Priority:      normal

Well, I finally bit the bullet and upgraded my 755CX to Win95.  First off, I 
want to say that my upgrade (or downgrade, depending on how you look at it) was 
necessary because I was sick of rebooting Windows everytime after using Excel 
or MS Project with Winfax Pro.  While hoping that the installation would help 
the stability of downloading files through the 32 bit Winsock driver, I noticed 
that the performance of the system slows right down.  The menus from the Start 
button respond slowly and is sometimes aggravating!

I upgraded my home computer and didn't notice this performance degradation.  I 
was wondering if anyone else and noticed this effect of Win95 on their 755CX.

Thanks for all your assistance!


           Patrick Hong Systems Management & Consulting Inc.
           phong@synapse.net              (613) 769-1544 Tel
           phong@connectinc.com           (613) 728-4063 Fax

           Patrick Hong Systems Management & Consulting Inc.
           phong@synapse.net              (613) 769-1544 Tel
           phong@connectinc.com           (613) 728-4063 Fax