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Installing NT w/o internal CD-ROM

OK, thanks to those who confirmed that NT will run on 760's, albeit  
without MWAVE and MPEG support (yet).  I'm still not clear on how (or  
whether) it can be installed on machines without an internal CD-ROM; is a  
dock required, or can it be done via PCMCIA Ethernet or SCSI?


Tim Vetter    vfr@stm537.ubszh.net.ch (MIME, NEXTMAIL)
              tim.vetter@ubs.com    (ASCII, alternate)
Forex & Fixed Income Trading Development
Union Bank of Switzerland
voice: (+41) 1/2358422   fax: (+41) 1/2355129
snail: LEIT/LITH-VFR Postfach 8021 Zurich, Switzerland