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Megahertz XJ-3288M Modem

unfortunately...this Mhz modem doesn't have cables for my NEC :-(. Only for
Nokia and Motorola!

But my apex connected at 28.8 the first time!


>Return-Path: owner-tp750@cs.utk.edu
>X-Sender: billb@rust.net (Unverified)
>Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 07:50:01 -0500
>To: tp750@cs.utk.edu
>From: Bill Bryan <billb@rust.net>
>Subject: Megahertz XJ-3288M Modem
>> Was looking at the USR Courier w/ Dataview and the Megahertz X-Jack cellular
>> modem. However, the USR doesn't support cellular, and USR's tech support sux
>> rox (got routed from voice mail to voice mail...). 
>\Megahertz support was good... when I got through to them. Back in the 
>\days of their 800 number, I waited on hold for _20_ minutes before I 
>\got a person (who promptly sent me a new modem, admittedly). Now they 
>\have toll calls. I'm sure it's no better.
>\Donald Alan Whiteside			School of Computer Science
>\Eternal Student				Florida International University
>\    GCS d-- -p+(---) l u+(-) e+ m+ s !n h f g+ w+ t+(++) r- y++
>\Penis ownership is not a prerequisite to technological competence." - Me
>Just purchased the Megahertz XJ-3288M cellular modem.  Seems to work very
>well on the 701C.  Still not sure about the sleep mode and how it's affected
>by Suspend mode.  Seems to work find but I did find the battery almost dead
>one day after Suspend for 20 hours.
>The Cellular cable into your cellular phone works great.  Using Trumpet 2.1f
>and connecting the cellular cord, causes the cellular phone to turn on,
>Trumpet feeds it the number and then it hits send without intervention and
>without reprogramming trumpet.  First time out, I got a 9600 baud send and a
>7200 baud receive.  Works very well.  3.5 ***'s.
>  Bill Bryan - billb@rust.net - http://www.rust.net/~billb - N8QPI
>  Livonia, MI - " V e r y   G o o d   R o b i n " - Howard Stern
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