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unable to format scsi HD

  I deleted the message already, but some one was mentioning
having trouble formatting a scsi HD.  Wel, as I was looking
throught some tech supp. docs I saw this:

If you are using a SCSI harddrive with SCSI utilities, you
cannot use the DOS FDISK or FORMAT commands that make use of
INT13h.  The reason for this is that the Bus Toaster does
not support using the INT13h interface.  Instead, you must
use the format utility which came with the CORELSCSI

 This was in the Docs to the New Media Bus Toaster PCMCIA
SCSI.  I am not sure about other SCSI controllers.  Just
thought I'd through this in for gerneral use.
  BTW, I have a Bus Toaster that i iuse for hooking my Zip
Drive up to my 701C in Win 95 it works great!  I have also
connected it to a regular old SCIS HD powerd by an other
machine and it worked fine too, even withthe zip drive too. 
I didn't format or FDISK the HD though, just copied files.

Kevan Riley

BioMedical Computing Support

Vanderbilt University Medical Center


KD4RMR       Nashville, Tn