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re: Warp SCSI installation

At 11:28 AM 2/1/96 +0100, Victor Kress wrote (about zip drive on thinkpad):
>People considering this move should know that this configuration is not
>very fast.  It is faster than a floppy, but *much* slower than even a slow
>hard-disk.  I got the SCSI because I wanted speed (and I expect to get a CD
>at some point).  In hind sight, I cannot imagine that the enhanced parallel
>port version could possibly be much slower, and it is more flexable.  The
>speed problem could be the IBM card, the fact that I'm not using their zip
>format, or my expectations are too high :).  In any case, 100 meg floppies
>are really nice.

This is a bit of a tangent, but I recently put in an "ActionTec" SCSI
card hooked to a Syquest 135 drive (which claims 13.5 ms, ~2.5mB/sec sustained
transfer).  I'm guessing the PCMCIA SCSI card is the limiting factor on
transfer speed.  The only time it is noticeably slower than the internal
drive is on long reads like the movie file in the 755 demo program which
gets rather jerky.  It costs a bit more than a zip drive, but the 3.5 inch
cartridges hold more, are cheaper/megabyte and its faster.

Anyhow, the SCSI card said OS/2 Compatible in large letters across the box,
but I haven't installed that driver yet.

-Don Perley