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Followup: Warp SCSI installation

I promised I would let the group know when/if/how I got this working.

Problem: Make Warp, IBM credit card adaptor and SCSI Zip drive work together.

(Imperfect) Solution:  The file IOMGDRV.FLT that ships with their os2
drivers v.2.34 is not compatible with the IBM (aka Future Domain)
FD16-700.ADD driver that ships with the IBM card.  the solution is to REM
out the BASEDEV=IOMGDRV.FLT statement in config.sys.  You can then
format/read/write 100 meg zip disks in FAT format, but you cannot use
iomega's special high-speed format (Sounds like a HPFS-FAT crossbreed).
You cannot use any of the zip tools, because these depend on their special
format.  Otherwise, everything works great.  Iomega is working on this
problem, and expects to have a solution soon.

People considering this move should know that this configuration is not
very fast.  It is faster than a floppy, but *much* slower than even a slow
hard-disk.  I got the SCSI because I wanted speed (and I expect to get a CD
at some point).  In hind sight, I cannot imagine that the enhanced parallel
port version could possibly be much slower, and it is more flexable.  The
speed problem could be the IBM card, the fact that I'm not using their zip
format, or my expectations are too high :).  In any case, 100 meg floppies
are really nice.

Thanks particularly to Chris Hanson, who gave me tips on how he installed
the drive with an Adaptec card.  By the way, he did not encounter the same
problems with his Adaptec card that I did with my IBM.

Victor Kress
Geophysical Laboratory
5251 Broad Branch Road N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20015-1305
(202) 686-2410 x2489
web page: http://granite.ciw.edu/~kress