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Re: Dock II Queries

On Tues Jan. 23 ... 

> Very simple installation, takes about 15 minutes. The installation kit
> instructions reference only the Dock I, don't worry, it works fine w/
> Dock II. You won't need the SCSI cable provided with the install kit as
> your Dock II already has a cable to make the connection.
> Good Luck,
> Joe Wilson
> Milwaukee,  WI

 Hello Joe, 

 I was reading your message about the SCSI installation in the Dock II. I 
was wondering if the SCSI cable that was included in the kit was a 
standard 50-PIN SCSI cable on both ends or was one end the mini 50-pin  
conection like the IDE interface. I order kit #84G5253 and the cable 
included was a standard 50-pin on both side. I'm using a Dock I and the 
SCSI connection is a mini 50 pin just like the mini 60-pin IDE interface. 

thanks in advance for the info..
