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Re: Will IBM fix the 755XX suspend problem?

At 12:04 AM 1/23/96 -0600, Ron Heiby wrote:
>It isn't clear to me exactly which model(s) Mike is talking about having
>problems with. The problems with A/C attached have been with the TP series
>since at least the 750 family. I personally gave up on Hibernation when I
>upgraded my 750 RAM to 20Meg and felt I didn't have enough disk space to
>handle the hibernation file and also lacked the patience to deal with the
>problems hibernation had. I have never missed it.
>With the 755CE, I found that the suspend on A/C problems continued, until
>I installed SYTPE140 BIOS. Of course, to be fair, around that time, I also
>installed the Mwave 2.0 stuff, which made the Mwave modem functions work,
>which meant that I could yank my XJ2144 PCMCIA modem. Way back in the back
>of my mind, I have this feeling that whenever I had no PCMCIA cards inserted,
>that suspend on A/C worked. So, maybe it isn't a fix in the BIOS, but rather
>the fact that I don't currently need a PCMCIA card.
>Before this, I had resigned myself to the fact that I would have to unplug
>before suspending, rather than unplug after suspending. No big deal.
I have a 755CD where having a working suspend/hybernate is more critical
since you need to use at least suspend to swap between floppy and CD-ROM drives.

I actually have my system working "reliably" with suspend or hybernate so
long as 

a) I turn off the 3com PCMCIA ethernet card before hybernating (usually I
don't have to do this for suspend)
b) I make sure the cover is open before I suspend if I was going to open it
anyway (say to change a drive)
c) I pull the power connector or turn off the power to the power supply
before hitting the suspend or hybernate icons.

Then these glitches still occur:

1) Sometimes (?not always) putting in the CD-ROM drive after suspend locks
up the mouse (either glidepoint or trackpoint). This is assuming I am
swapping from floppy to CD-ROM. It doesn't seem to lock up going the other
way around (from CD-ROM to floppy)
2) The battery state goes a little haywire. When I plug power back in, the
battery wants to discharge even though it is 99%, and the hours remaining
often goes into the flashing (8.88) mode. 

All of this is under WIN95. I can live with most of this (except the mouse
locking up) to save the rather excessive time of doing a reboot each time I
have to move the machine.

I think I have the latest BIOS (I think it is 1.40 needed for WIN95), and
that didn't seem to help. Also, hybernate seems to do a suspend, so if
suspend works, hybernate generally will too, except for those devices that
can't reliably be powered down (PCMCIA cards that don't quite plug and play).

Mike Redmond
