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Re: The Elusive MWave for Win95 is back!

  I've been using them for a few days; installed them when I wiped my hard
disk and reinstalled Win95 and all the software I use (I wanted to get rid
of the previous setup which had Win95 on top of the preloaded Windows3.1).

  Everything pretty much works as before, with one notable exception; it
used to be that if I emptied the "recycle bin" when connected through the
MWave modem, the Win95 desktop would crash and restart.  It had some error
with playing the .WAV sound I'd associated with that event.  Now, it cleanly
empties the "recycle bin" silently if I'm using the MWave modem.  My
connections also seem to be a little more stable.

  Is it worth a huge effort to obtain and install the Win95 MWave drivers?
Probably not.  I installed them largely because I was reinstalling
everything anyway.

  If I were still working as a Sysadmin, I'd put the files up for anon FTP;
but I'm just a lowly student now.  If anyone has a site they want to put the
files on, I'd be happy to upload them.

  One other thing I noticed, not related to the MWave, but a big reason for
why I wiped and rebuilt my 755cx's disk, is that I can now suspend WITH my
3Com 3c589b PCMCIA ethernet card inserted and active.  The previous setup
was such that if I was running on AC power, I had to "stop" and physically
remove the card in order to suspend my thinkpad.

  After installing Win95 on a cleanly formatted disk, it will suspend with
the card inserted and active; it will only disallow suspending if another
machine has my hard disk "mapped".  It doesn't seem to have any difficulties
if the card is removed while the machine is suspended, such as taking the
laptop to the library.  NOW, I'm impressed.  :)

-- Lew

At 10:11 AM 1/22/96 -0600, you wrote:
>... could the folks who grabbed a copy
>please post here how well they do or dont work.  thanks.
>Todd Tannenbaum
>CAE Model Advanced Facility
>email: tannenba@engr.wisc.edu  ph: 608-262-3118
 Lew Jansen